Le Versace

A place where only uniqueness is on offer

Le Versace is different in every aspect of the word. It's first of all a place to experience taste. Not only in the fine cuisine, but also in the luxurious furnishings.

Enjoy the breathtaking view over Patong beach from the highest open-air restaurant in Patong. The selection of cocktails, tapas, international dishes and mouth-watering desserts will have you savouring every moment.


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    My French isn't very good lately but surely Le Versace must mean 'heavenly food with a fantastic view'. Because that's what you get 'Au Versace'. Everything's superb: food quality, service and view. A spectacular place and arguably the best French food one can get in Phuket (Thailand?). Tip: try to arrive just before sunset. Bon appetit.

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